It will soon be fall and the start of lots of activities. I just got back from a restful two weeks at Chautauqua Institution in western New York State (summer camp for adults). Always rejuvenating and inspiring. Hope you have all had a wonderful, albeit too warm, summer.
We will kick off the new fiscal year with our Fall Luncheon at Canoe Brook Country Club on Sunday, September 29th at noon. Reservation details will be sent separately. It’s near the end of the month but there are three other events you may be interested in for September.
On September 10th , National is holding an AAUW Member Gathering with updates via Zoom at 4pm. You should have received an email on August 28th with this title, which contains the registration information.
The Madison AAUW Branch, Summit College Club and the League of Women Voters - Morristown Area are inviting the public to a free program on September 16th at 7PM at the Madison Community Arts Center located at 10 Kings Road, Madison. Advance reservations not needed. “Come and learn about SparkNJ, a local nonprofit organization, awarding unrestricted funding to charitable, community, and civic organizations in northern NJ whose leadership identifies as black.”
The book group is reforming and will have its first meeting on Wednesday, September 18th at 2 pm at Janice Hartman’s house. The first book is Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan and is only eighty pages long. Details are in the newsletter.
As we start the new club year, please think about how you might contribute to making it a great year. The best way to enjoy your membership is by meeting and getting to know other members through serving on various committees (all listed in the yearbook) and taking part in interest groups. The book group is reforming and perhaps you would like to take on the revitalization of the Movie Group or the Lunch Bunch, or start a new interest group focused on an activity you enjoy. You can contact me at lrsccbs@gmail.com.
Also, don’t forget to VOTE in this very important Presidential election year. If you are not registered, make sure to do so by October 15, 2024.
AAUW National is sponsoring an Atlantic Regional Conference, Empowering for Equity, in Glen Allen, Virginia on Sept 27 – Sept 29. Unfortunately, the last day (a half day) is the same day as our Fall Luncheon. If anyone is interested in attending the first two days, please contact me at lrsccbs@gmail.com. The venue is 324 miles away, about a five-hour drive.
While at Chautauqua, I was able to attend the world premiere of a new play. It is called The Light and The Dark by Kate Hamill, and she also plays the main character. Its subject is the 17th century Italian female painter Artemisia Gentileschi and is about her battle to be recognized as a painter. Kate Hamill’s plays are women-centered, and she has been a well-produced playwright over the last five years -- including plays with takes on some Jane Austen novels. The play will be coming to NYC this fall/winter and will be at Primary Stages.
I hope to see you soon at one of our upcoming events. As always, thank you for your continued support of our Club, and our mission.
Lynne Rogerson, President