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President's Message: Spring 2023


At last, a small amount of snow to let us know winter was here. But signs of spring are around – crocus blooming and then daffodils. Not to mention the annual book sale. Planning for our April 2023 sale is well underway, and as always, we’ll need many volunteers and book donations to make the event a success. More on that later in this message.

I hope you were able to attend the February 13th Zoom presentation on DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) that SCC hosted for the entire NJ State AAUW. The session, led by the Director of DEI for New Jersey, Edwina Sessons, looked at how we can promote greater inclusion in our Branches to ensure that all members, both current and future, feel welcomed and valued as part of Summit College Club. Kudos to Leslie Carson and Molly Ball, our Program Co-VPs, Hedy Tukey for her technical expertise on Zoom and switching back and forth to videos, and Karen Kaplan, Program VP for the State, for making this session happen and promoting it state-wide. It you missed it, you can go to the AAUW-NJ March newsletter to gain access to a recording. The third presentation in this series, “DEI Anti-racism, Let's Own It” will be on Zoom on April 18th at 7 pm, hosted by the Northern Ocean County branch.

In celebration of Women’s History Month, our own Professor Mary Segers will lead a discussion of The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR's Secretary of Labor and his Moral Conscience by Kirstin Downey. It will be presented virtually on March 16th, 7pm, so anyone can join. You’ll receive the Zoom link as we get closer. We also have some exciting programs planned for May, details of which you can find in the Bulletin and on our website.

Book Sale! Book Sale! Book Sale!

This treasured event represents the best things about Summit College Club and AAUW. It is the primary way we support young women in pursuing higher education, and “advancing equity for women and girls through education” is a part of AAUW’s mission. The exchange of books is consistent with “the life of the mind,” as Mary Segers once described the character of Summit College Club and its members.

Providing scholarships started with our founder, Tilla Thomas, so it connects us to our roots as an organization. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate to our communities who we are and what we do today as well. And bringing the sale to life – all the planning, publicizing, setting up, sorting, arranging, and breaking down, plus the financial accounting – utilizes our individual skills while bringing us together as a group. And for most of us, it’s a lot of fun.

We’ll need help with promotional activities like hanging posters in public places (libraries, post offices, stores, YMCAs, supermarkets and community centers), about four weeks before the sale begins. Then the sorting and organizing of book donations begins on Friday, April 14 and runs through Monday, April 17. This year, Tuesday, April 18, we have a full day between final donations and the beginning of the sale to complete our sorting and set-up. The half-day pre-sale takes place Wednesday, April 19 followed by three full days for the sale itself plus our final half-day on Sunday, April 23 for “Bag Day.” We will again be at the American Legion Post 433, 357 Elkwood Avenue, New Providence.

Members of the Book Sale Planning Committee will be reaching out to you to schedule times you’d like to help out. If there’s a young person in your life – child or grandchild, neighbor, or young friend – who’d like to rack up some community service hours, this is a great opportunity to do so. Also, please consider inviting a friend to volunteer with you. They might just become SCC members in the process.

As so often happens in life, the more you do the more you get from your participation as a member of Summit College Club. By attending our terrific programs, volunteering to help with the book sale, starting or joining an interest group or serving on our Board, you get the chance to collaborate with women who share your interests and commitment. You also exercise your abilities and sometimes develop new ones, consistent with life-long learning. I encourage you to reach out to any of our current Board members if you would like to learn how to get more involved.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Summit College Club, AAUW and our mission.

Lynne Rogerson,




Contact Us

P. O. Box 273
Summit, NJ 07901

© 2021 by Summit College Club

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