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President's Message: Summer 2022


Updated: May 26, 2022

By Lynne Rogerson

We did it!!

We brought back the Book Sale -- for a shorter time than usual but we still raised $11,700 before costs. Leslie Carson graciously hosted an after-sale party at her home for all the volunteers (both members and non-members). Thanks to all who pitched in to make the sale a success.

At right: Sorting before the sale

At left: Janice and Adrian Hartman after a hard day's work

Below: Marylou Motto with some of her finds

Below: The post-sale party

Of course, the purpose of all this challenging work is to award scholarships. Please come to the scholarship reception on Sunday June 5th at 2 p.m., Lile Hall at Christ Church to meet the recipients. It is always an inspiring experience.

It is hard to believe that I am completing my first year in office. Looking back, we were finally able to hold our 100th Anniversary Gala Brunch at the Grand Summit Hotel. Member Dr. Karen Gevirtz gave an inspiring speech and we celebrated in grand style.

Photo: Dr. Gevirtz with Lynne Rogers and Leslie Carson

We managed to have both in-person and online programs this year. With an increased emphasis on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the news and at AAUW, we learned more from several of our programs: a book review of “Black Faces, White Spaces”, a discussion of the documentary “Chisholm ’72 Unbought and Unbossed”, the documentary “Without a Whisper” and a discussion with its producer. It was fascinating to hear about the Haudenosaunee women and the influence of their culture on the Women's Rights Movement.

A fun field trip outing to Liberty Hall was held in May and it was great to learn of women’s contributions to NJ history. Hope you were able to take advantage of all or at least some of these programs. We were also happy to welcome several new members this year

Take a look at Mary Segers's article on the Projects & Initiatives Fund. You may not be familiar with this endowed fund and the work that the two Directors and a third appointed member did on finding worthy causes that represent AAUW's mission.

We’re heading into summer but remember to send in your renewal by June 15th and check off any committees you might be interested in.

Please continue to support the mission of AAUW and SCC of “gender equity and economic security” through “research, education and advocacy”.

Enjoy the summer!

Lynne Rogerson, President



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P. O. Box 273
Summit, NJ 07901

© 2021 by Summit College Club

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