Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving and are looking forward to many different holiday events.

I hope to see you all at the Holly Berry Musical Brunch on December 9th. It should be a great event with our added musical entertainment thanks to Stella Shen’s efforts.
Scheduled are: Cellist Qianci Liu, Pianist Sherry Li, Hand pan player Shiqi Zhong and choral group CAME. Also, nutritionist Maria Tobone.
Also, please take the opportunity to introduce yourself to new members to make them feel welcome: Eileen Cashman-Jermak, Elizabeth Sanchez, Berly Morgan Teele. An added opportunity is to meet members from other branches. Attending from the Madison branch will be Nicole Bearce and Pam Hogan and from the Mountain Lakes Area branch will be President Mary Hager and Barbara Davis.
Don’t forget to mark your 2024 calendars with our upcoming programs. Showing of the film Selma for our MLK Day program on January 13. Virtual program from AAUW NJ: Madam C. J. Walker: Her Story and Her Legacy by her great-great-granddaughter A’Lelia Bundles on February 21. March date TBD, book review by Mary Segers. Book Collection and Sale April 12 – 22.
Enjoy your holidays however you celebrate. And our thoughts go out during this holiday time to the families of members who passed away this fall: Martha Moschetti, Elaine Yamin and Joan Murphy.
As always, I hope that you will continue to support the AAUW mission of “gender equity and economic security” through “research, education and advocacy”.
Lynne Rogerson, President